Whichever option you choose, we appreciate your interest and support
Become a member (annual fee CHF 60.- individual/ 100.- collective)
With your membership fee, you offer regular support to the CCSI. In this way, you reinforce the stability and independence of our non-profit association, which works to guarantee the accessibility of its services to all.
Become a sponsor (CHF 250.-)
In order to remain accessible to as many people as possible, the CCSI strives to keep its fees as low as possible: CHF 20.- for a single consultation and CHF 250.- per calendar year for personalized follow-up. By becoming a sponsor, you support directly our most disadvantaged beneficiaries by covering their contribution to administrative fees.
Become a donor (one-time, regular, bequests and inheritance)
With your donation, you directly support our legal and social consultation work. By making a bequest, you continue to support the CCSI after your lifetime and thus contribute to the defence of migrants in the long term.
CCP 17-10124-8
IBAN: CH 56 0900 0000 1701 0124 8
Please specify the purpose of the payment, e.g. “membership” or “sponsorship” or “donation”.
Any payment without specification will be considered a donation.
If you would like to receive a tax receipt, please fill in the form on the side so that we have your details.
Don par carte de crédit
Even small gestures have a big impact on our work.
Thank you very much!
To become a member, sponsor or donor
Centre de Contact
Rue des Alpes 11
PO Box 110
1701 Fribourg
10.00 – 12.00
by phone
13.30 – 17.00
by phone
13.30 – 17.00
by phone