We provide access to justice and health care system
The CCSI offers 3 types of services:
- Legal and social consultations without appointment,
- representation mandates,
- as well as affiliation to health insurance scheme for individuals without a residence permit.
Through these three services, the CCSI offers both legal and social support, which aims to help migrants fight for their rights in terms of LEI (Law on Foreigners and Integration), AFMP (Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons) and LAMal (Federal Law on Health Insurance). Thus, we offer a specialized service in :
- obtaining, renewal or revoking a residence permit
- the conversion of a residence permit
- family reunification
- obtaining a temporary residence permit for marriage
- obtaining a residence permit for hardship cases
- affiliation to the health insurance scheme
Our services do not include support for asylum procedures.

Twice a month in Fribourg and once a month in Bulle, the CCSI offers legal and social consultations without appointment. For a symbolic contribution of CHF 20.-, any person can come to our office and have an individual consultation with one of our lawyers who will familiarize with his/er personal situation, provide precise information on all necessary procedures related to the LEI and the AFMP, as well as naturalisation (ordinary or facilitated).
In particular, our lawyers provide information on the conditions of integration required by the legal framework, give advice and point out to resources enabling people to improve their financial situation as well as their social or professional integration as required.
Languages: consultations can be conducted in French, German, Italian, English and Spanish. If you do not have sufficient knowledge of one of these languages, please be accompanied by a translator.
Where and when ? In our office in Fribourg or Bulle, see Consultations without appointment.
Following an initial consultation without appointment, some people are able to take the following steps with the authorities independently. If a person needs additional support in view of his or her personal situation, the CCSI can offer a representation mandate by signing a power of attorney. For a symbolic fee of CHF 250.- per year, the CCSI acts as a lawyer for all the steps to be taken in the field of foreigners’ rights (submission of observations to the SPoMi, request for review, appeal to the Cantonal Court or the Federal Administrative Court, or even to the Federal Court). The opening of a representation mandate implies a close follow-up of our clients for all the legal aspects as well as social support aiming at improving the client’s personal situation in various areas.
Where and when ? In our office in Fribourg or Bulle, by appointment.
Affiliation to the basic health insurance scheme is a duty for all required by the LAMal, regardless of residence status. In order to allow migrants without residence permit to have access to the Swiss health system, the CCSI has developed a relationship of trust with an insurer with whom we affiliate the people who request our support. In addition, we request for subsidies on their behalf that allow to reduce health insurance premiums. This service is free of charge and confidential.
Languages: consultations can be conducted in French, German, Italian, English and Spanish. If you do not have sufficient knowledge of one of these languages, please be accompanied by a translator.
Where and when ? During opening hours, by phone or on site in our office in Fribourg.
Certain situations are particularly sensitive and may result in removal from Switzerland. This is especially true for third-country nationals (outside the European Union and the European Free Trade Association).
If you do not have a residence permit, we recommend you to consult our lawyers before taking any action with the authorities, particularly in the following case:
- You would like to get married in Switzerland
A marriage procedure in Switzerland is subject to specific conditions. An examination of your personal situation before filing a marriage application allows you to put all the chances on your side to realize your family project.
- You would like to work in Switzerland
If you are planning to apply for a work permit, it is essential to know the prerequisites. This is particularly true for third-country nationals (outside the European Union and the European Free Trade Association).
If you live in Switzerland without a residence permit, remember to keep evidences of your stay as well as your social and professional integration. Theses evidences are important if you are seeking a stable legal status.
↓ Download a list of documents to keep.
Find out more helpful information for everyday life and your rights on website of the union UNIA (in French, German or Italian).
Le CCSI ne peut pas vous aider si vous résidez dans un autre canton et que vous ne souhaitez pas entamer une procédure dans le canton de Fribourg.
↓ Téléchargez une liste des permanences dans les autres cantons romands.
Même si vous résidez dans le canton de Fribourg, le CCSI ne peut pas vous aider pour des questions relatives à :